References. Who has digiskills?

I recommend it to anyone who wants to move forward in HR and wishes to find a digital path to automation and elimination of "paper". Thanks to the academy, I have an overview of MS 365 applications and feel more confident in using them on a daily basis.


Zuzana Gutierrez

Lukáš Ondřej

The Digiskills team has done a great job with digital bootcamps for managers and digital skills training for all innogy employees.


Lukáš Ondřej

Klára Černá

Our Digi Heroes are like scouts spreading the Bethlehem light in the form of a digital mindset throughout the company.

Klára Černá

Klára Černá

Michal Hanko

Since we deliver the latest technologies from Microsoft ourselves, we are well aware that the key to successful adoption of any innovation lies in intensive work with people.

Michal Hanko

Michal Hanko

Gergana Yordanova

The collaboration commenced with numerous inquiries, to which we sought common answers. A significant role in this was played by the Digiskills Assessment.


Gergana Yordanova

The Digiskills programme introduced the advantages of the Microsoft365 enterprise solution and taught users how to discover the potential of the Microsoft Teams application in practice. The entire program was not just a promotional giveaway, but also included reminders on where the limitations are for now and how to deal with them. A very good opportunity was offered to constantly ask questions of more experienced people as well as to test knowledge in a real environment.


Stanislav Hrda

ALEF Distribution SK, s.r.o.

Myslím, že program je vhodný i pro začátečníka, běžného uživatele PC. Měla jsem obavu z toho, že nebudu většině věcí rozumět a ze začátku to tak i bylo. Díky velkému množství výukových videí, webinářů a online školení, které jsou super, jsem se ale hodně věcí naučila, a i když ze mně asi nikdy nebude IT odborník, mnoho věcí je mi jasnějších a vím jak fungují.


Lenka Krutinová

ICT-GROUP s.r.o.

The program exceeded my expectations! It is not just another collection of theoretical knowledge, but a great combination of self-learning in the form of short videos, live webinars and practical skills development in interactive training sessions. What I appreciate most is the link to practical application and the focus on less common topics, such as sharing experiences of putting M365 into practice in real companies or the principles of implementing change in society in general. I can only recommend it to anyone who is interested in modern tools and wants to learn not only how to use Microsoft 365 tools, but also how to pass on their knowledge and experience.


Tomáš Zdvořilý

SUEZ CZ a.s.
Dominika Steinbachová

Great program that helped me a lot with navigating the M365 apps. The combination of webinars and hands-on training was ideal to understand how the applications work and where the pitfalls are. Collaborating with other participants and sharing experiences across organizations is very helpful.


Dominika Steinbachová

Český florbal

The Academy is an excellent tutorial for streamlining your work with M365 products. It focuses mainly on collaboration in MS Teams, on communication, sharing documents and information, and connecting with other applications. This program is beneficial for complete beginners as well as more advanced users. I really appreciate the ability to ask specific questions directly through online webinars and training. Honza Dolejš is an excellent trainer.


Tamara Kujalová


Celý program byl skvěle zorganizovaný. Honza Dolejš opět potvrdil, že je velkým profíkem a má úžasný lidský přístup. Líbilo se mi, že nešlo jen o představování aplikací M365, ale vše jsme si zkoušeli prakticky a hlavně jsem otevírali i témata, jak zavádět M365 do našich společností. Moc děkuji za celou akademii a všem zájemcům ji 100% doporučuji.

Tomáš Kašpar

Tomáš Kašpar


No time left? Automate! Try Power Heroes by Digiskills.
They'll teach you how to do it.

Petr Veselý

Petr Veselý

Střední průmyslová škola, Česká Lípa, Havlíčkova 426, příspěvková organizace

Power Automate is a tool of unsuspected possibilities. It significantly shifts the understanding of the cloud from standalone applications such as mail, file storage or chat into an interconnected whole that completely adapts to any company's business processes.


Lukáš Zikmund


Efficient use of time to start working with Power automate. Our team started saving time, a lot of time. I recommend it to everyone!!!


Ladislav Bílý

Lindab Group
Petr Chvojka

Practical demonstrations and specific instructions. The material provided, ideally processed videos. Possibility to watch and rehearse.


Petr Chvojka

Český florbal

Interesting topic, lots of tips and tricks, great lecturer.


Martin Koudela


Moc děkuji za spoustu užitečných tipů a praktických rad, které určitě využiji během příští tvorby prezentace.


Účastnice akademie Vizuální storytelling

Jakub Furmánek

Thanks to the Digiskills Assessment, we finally don't just rely on feelings but have concrete data. Additionally, the timeline allows us to compare progress effectively. Most importantly, we see progress in how we now share our experiences with digital technologies among colleagues.

Jakub Furmánek

Jakub Furmánek

Český florbal

Díky spolupráci s Digiskills jsme poznali nástroje, o kterých jsme do té doby neměli tušení, zorientovali jsme se v prostředí Google Workspace, naučili se ho lépe používat a dokázali jsme některé rutinní procesy zautomatizovat. To nám usnadnilo a zefektivnilo naši práci. Oceňujeme formu online webinářů a pořízení záznamu, ke kterým se tak můžeme vracet a využívat je jako školení pro nové zaměstnance. Moc děkujeme za spolupráci a všem zájemcům, kteří chtějí posunout své digi dovednosti, ji můžeme jen doporučit.


Ing. Hana Brnická

Domácí hospic Vysočina, o.p.s.

I joined HR Heroes because I am looking for ways to get the most out of MS 365 in HR. And I don't regret it at all. Eva and Šárka shared a lot of experience and tips with us, prepared great materials and demos. Moreover, we met a nice group where we inspired each other. I can recommend HR Heroes to anyone who is looking for ways to improve HR processes in the MS 365 environment and wants to use this tool to make their work easier. Thank you Digiskills for this great program.


Michala Raganová

Zeelandia spol. s r.o.

The HR Heroes Academy brought me a lot of interesting tips and tricks that can make my daily work routine easier. It's good to look at your job from a different angle and start doing some things differently. The workshops were very inspiring and it was also nice to share experiences with other HR colleagues from different fields.


Šárka Šolcová

ZF Automotive Czech s.r.o.

The Academy of Visual Storytelling under Eva's guidance was a very pleasant surprise and I took away a lot of new inspiration for my work. I liked the fact that it was not just a static presentation, but that we could try everything out in practice. But what I appreciate the most is that Eva tried to adapt the workshops to the individual needs of all participants.


Martin Smetana


I would like to thank Eva Jokes for the sympathetic and human approach she showed to our participants during the course.
She did a fantastic and professional job throughout the course. Eva was able to conduct all parts of Visual Storytelling interactively and in a permanent dialogue.
I appreciate her expertise, as she managed to introduce us to so many different interesting digital aids in working with presentations.
Thank you for the many useful tips such as slides, presentation templates, the importance of color, story and much more.
Eva also won me over at the end with her helpful offer of individual advice on preparing presentations. In doing so, she convinced me that she does her job with heart and genuine interest in us, the participants. I would therefore like to thank her very much and look forward to the next time.


Lucie Melounková

ČSOB, a.s.

I took away a bunch of practical tips for streamlining HR processes and collaboration in a team that works remotely. Right away during the course we tried and applied team agreements, simplified our work, set up clear communication channels and made data storage more transparent. Another big benefit for me was the tweaks for my personal use in everyday life. I also appreciate the space to ask questions, have access to the learning zone with videos and materials, and get inspiration from other participants.


Libuše Zejdová

Bibby Financial Services, a.s.

DataBrothers Data Academy was very beneficial for me. It was a good comprehensive foundation with many practical exercises. The tasks were pleasantly challenging and the entire DataBrothers team provided great support throughout the academy. I would definitely recommend it if you are looking to get into Power BI.

Jiří Gawel

Jiří Gawel

Henry Schein

I have to commend this course and the trainers from DataBrothers for their great approach, level of expertise and overall delivery of the academy.
The main lecturer was Mr. Josef Cada, whose expertise was excellent as well as the pace of the presentation. In case you have a specific question, they are willing to call over the issue and explain it again. There is no need to be afraid to participate in the course. You will be shown and explained how to work with Power BI using very hilarious examples, from the recommended Power BI Desktop setup to distributing your reports.
I personally recommend participation to anyone who wants to get into the ins and outs of reporting and working with data in general.

Jan Kodet

Jan Kodet


Thanks to Power BI Academy:
a) I have a lot of great tips on what a meaningful data visualization should look like
b) I am no longer afraid of DAX
c) I have an overview of Power BI functionalities and possibilities of integration with other tools

Thanks to the creators of the academy for:
a) perfectly illustrated webinars
b) the thoughtful, practical chapters that got me thinking and getting to grips with Power BI
c) seminars where they were willing to answer anything
d) a comprehensive handout with useful tips in English :)

Thank you very much for the academy, I appreciate the thoughtfulness and sophistication of the exercises. I will definitely be coming back to them.


Jana Kozáková


Clear and well-structured topics for self-study supplemented by interaction in workshops where there is room for clarifying questions.
This model suits me better than traditional training because I can better manage my time for routine work.

Very satisfied with the Power BI Academy.
Special thanks to both trainers (Pepa Čada, Míra Těšínský)

Alena Kratochvílová

Great lecturer and pro Eva Jokes, topics tailored for HR, digital mindset. And what is specifically seen with me:
✔ desk without papers, sticky notes, etc. - To Do app
✔ online employee satisfaction survey - Forms app
✔ Notes, minutes, documents in one place - OneNote app
The list of tips, tricks, skills is much longer, the common denominator: automatically, online, efficiently, Team-based, shared. So let's get started with online onboarding 🎬
Thank you for the inspiration!

Alena Kratochvílová

Alena Kratochvílová

Schwan Cosmetics

The AI Academy from Digiskills brilliantly responds to the current developments in the AI field, offering companies comprehensive and practical educational content that currently has no competition in our market. Through a combination of practical webinars, workshops, and electronic content on the portal, it immerses all participants directly into the action over the course of 8 weeks. With a "learn-experience-try" approach, it gives them a high chance to jump on this insanely fast-moving train.

The AI Academy helped me save a lot of time and routine work. Now, I finally have more space to truly think about problems.


Štěpán K.

UX/UI designer
Jiří Hoffmann

Pokud se chystáte implementovat či přecházet v rámci organizace na sadu Microsoft 365, tak tento program vřele doporučuji. Nejen, že Vás plnohodnotně zaškolí v rámci nástrojů sady Microsoft 365, ale zároveň se naučíte znalosti předávat Vašim kolegům tak, aby z toho nebyli otrávení.


Jiří Hoffmann


Above all, I appreciated learning how to fine-tune prompts so that AI really understood me and provided outputs in the exact form I needed them.


Tereza M.

HR business partner