
What would it be like to have someone do some of your work for you? What if it is possible? Discover the possibilities of automation.

Show me how

Why is the topic important?

There are many routine activities that we all do every day. And completely unnecessarily! Many things can be automated today to save time that we can devote to something more important. But what can be actually automated? How can such an automation be set up? We can give you answers to these questions. You'll find that it doesn't have to be as rocket science as it may seem at first glance.

    What will we teach you?

    • Introduction to the concept of automation
    • Introduction to automation tools
    • Connecting applications to each other and creating automation
    • Inspiration, what else can be automated
    • Where to look for solutions to problems and other inspiration
    • Tips and advice for process automation in practice

    Our teaching methods



    Thanks to microlearning, we dose your digital revolution into individual lifehacks, which you can master even during a coffee break.

    Živé workshopy a webináře

    Live workshops and webinars

    Regular workshops and webinars give students the necessary contact with authority in the form of our friendly and experienced lecturers.

    Přehledný studijní portál

    Transparent study portal

    All study materials, links to educational videos, registration for workshops and other materials can be found in our study environment.


    We mould the ambassadors

    Our graduates become a solid point of digital transformation and can bring positive change to every work team.

    What we've prepared about this theme?

    24. 3. 2025
    Automation in Power Automate

    Automation in Power Automate

    Digital training programme allowing you to automate routine tasks using Power Automate.

    Event detail
    Countdown for your Registration
    0 Days
    0 Hours
    0 Minutes

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